Viladecans is the last municipality to repeal the monolinguistic imposition in the consistory. In this municipality of Baix Llobregat the use of Spanish in the municipal civil service has been excluded until now, despite being the majority language, considering Catalan as the only language in municipal regulations.
Thus, Viladecans joins other Catalan consistories that have decided to adapt their regulations to the social reality of the population, such as Hospitalet and Lérida, where an initiative of Ciudadanos has allowed the coexistence of both languages, correcting a serious democratic anomaly that doesn't exist in any other territory of Europe and that reaches its maximum expression in the large municipalities and especially in the capital, Barcelona, which having only 25% Catalan-speaking inhabitants has Catalan as the only vehicular language of the municipality and excludes Spanish from all municipal signage, provoking completely aberrant situations such as those of official banners intended to the population and written in Catalan, Arabic and Urdu, but not in the language most widespread among the citizens.
Unfortunately, in other municipalities where the Ciudadanos initiative was advancing bilingualism, as in Esplugues del Llobregat, this measure has been revoked by the nationalist parties with the votes of the Socialist Party, which has been key to return to the prevailing monolingualism in most of the Catalans municipalities.
However, after the upcoming municipal elections, the balance of power could vary in many consistories, which could opt to harmonize the coexistence of the two languages of Catalonia.