The independence movement in the city of Barcelona only reaches 45%

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In addition, more than 70% of the voters of Colau opted for NO to independence         
Noticias (Layetania)
José A. Ruiz 17/06/2019 1183

Not one but two historical doubts have been definitively cleared thanks to the consultation made by the Mayor of Barcelona, Ada Colau, to the bases of her party. And they are two very important questions.

The traditional lack of definition of the commons of Colau has always aroused a doubt. How much weight does the independence movement have among its voters? This is something that the leaders of Barcelona in Comú didn't really know, which has often led many of them to assume what most interested or suited them, motivating those with more nationalist tendency, such as Gerardo Pisarello, to approach their positions so much to nationalism that the predictable growth of Esquerra Republicana and the somewhat less predictable collapse of the commons ended up making them jump from one party to another.
However, the second doubt was even more relevant. How do the voters of Barcelona define themselves against the independence movement? The fact that Podemos and the commons appeared just when Convergencia decided to bet on the independence movement yielded an enormous percentage of uncertainty. More than a third of the people of Barcelona had voted for a party that did not define itself in favor of or against the independence process. Such thing generated enormous doubts and each political leader used this in its advantage, on the one hand, neither Podemos nor the commons had independence in their programs nor endorsed the unilateral referendum as something binding, but as a simple protest, and that was the constitutionalists point. On the other hand some pro-independence leaders argued that the commons supported the theoretical "right to decide" of Catalonia, and even President Quim Torra added them unceremoniously to the secessionist cause.
However, after these four years of doubts, the combination of the results of the municipal elections and the consultation of Ada Colau's bases has produced enlightening results.
First, the sum of unequivocally constitutionalist forces has surpassed the unequivocally nationalists in councilors, but considering only these data would mean committing two important mistakes. The first would be not to count the independence votes given to the CUP and candidates such as Graupera's Primaries or PxC, which despite not obtaining representation have their relevance, as well as constitutionalist parties such as VOX, UPyD or DCIDE, which would add to the constitutionalist side. This mistake is easily fixed counting the votes instead of the councilors, but the biggest mistake would be to ignore the hitherto unknown positioning of Colau's commons.
And that's the data that Ada Colau has provided when consulting its bases so that they chose between a pact of government with a nationalist left party or one with a non nationalist left that until recently demonized. The bases, in spite of an aggressive campaign of ERC that included massive spreading of posters and "escraches" to the mayoress, decided unmistakably for the most constitutionalist pact, with an irrefutable 71%.
Being able to finally divide the hitherto undefined 38% of votes obtained by Colau according to the positioning of its bases, we would obtain that only 6.03% of Barcelonians voted an "independentist Colauism", while a 14.63% would have voted a "Constitutionalist Colauism". With these figures in hand and counting the candidacies without representation, it can already be stated without equivocation that the Catalan capital is mostly constitutionalist. Just over 54% of voters in Barcelona reject independence, compared to 45% who defend it.
In fact, if the consultation of Colau had been carried out in the rest of Catalan capitals, the truth is that both Tarragona and Lleida would have socialist governments. They are the vetoes of socialists and common to the parties located to their right that have granted the mayorship to nationalist forces that have not enough votes.
Until now Ada Colau has done as much as possible to not position herself in the nationalist axis. A presumed equidistance that she has often expressed speaking as a constitutionalist but acting as an independentist, without really convincing either one side or the other. However, from now on, Manuel Valls' twisted gift has caused the Barcelona mayor to finally face the choice she never wanted to make. Now she knows what his bases do think, and she'll not be able to ignore it.

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