Independence activists kidnap baby Jesus on the eve of the wise men

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Noticias (Layetania)
José A. Ruiz 05/01/2019 1323
It has happened in the Castellón crib. The figure of the child Jesus has been kidnapped from the nativity scene of the town. The act has been claimed by the self-proclaimed "Antifascist Brigades" and the condition they demand for the return is the immediate release of the politics imprisoned for the attempted coup d'etat.
The figure of the child Jesus was replaced by the town hall. But the substitute child Jesus also disappeared, leaving a yellow ribbon in its place.
A progressive radicalization is observed in the most recent actions of the separatism, adding these simulated kidnappings to the occupation of public space, the restriction of the freedoms of the dissenters and the simulated executions, such as those that took place recently in Besalú. All actions are clearly totalitarian and undemocratic, although those who carry them out insist on calling themselves "anti-fascists".
In addition, these actions already extend outside of Catalonia and include the territories that the secessionists wish to annex, such as Valencia, the Balearic Islands, the Aragon strip or the south of France.

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