Gonzalo Boye's master plan, knocked down by spoilers

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The enthusiasm of the followers of Puigdemont filled the social networks with clues that alerted the Constitutionalists         
Noticias (Layetania)
José A. Ruiz 02/06/2019 1726

It wasn't the intelligence services of the CNI that exposed the secret plan to which the former president of the Generalitat Carles Puigdemont and his lawyer, the former ETA collaborator Gonzalo Boye, insistently referred, but his own followers.

It was the commotion that arose between the independentists when commenting a tweet of the José Ramón Bauzá, Ciudadanos MEP, in which it showed a temporary credential of "European Parliament" what made them debate and speculate on if those temporary passes were the means with which Boye and Puigdemont thought to sneak into the European institution.
Obviously the temporary accreditations do not grant any privilege or immunity, but allow access to the facilities, which Puigdemont could have taken advantage of the day of the constitution of the Chamber to appear in the photo and pass it to the government of Spain in another "ingenious" advertising maneuver. In fact, some members of Esquerra Republicana had already obtained their passes as a test, with what Puigdemont and Comín took for granted its advertising maneuver.
But as reported by El Español, the many enthusiastic comments of nationalist supporters on social networks ended up alerting the constitutionalist deputies, who warned the president of the European Parliament Antonio Tajani of the intentions of the fled leaders to take advantage of the courtesy pass to make a show, which led to the surveillance and denial of it for the fleeing nationalists.
This generated a situation of inequality among the MEPs who had fled with respect to the rest of Spanish MEPs, promptly denounced by the secessionism, but more quickly corrected by the Solomonic method of denying and revoking the temporary authorizations to ALL Spanish MEPs, who can access the definitive accreditations, but after passing through Madrid, and swearing the constitution as required by spanish law.
Unveiled and frustrated the master plan of Catalan nationalism (little more ingenious than the occurrence of the showman Santi Millán that year he managed to sneak into the Hollywood Oscars gala with a card from the Caprabo supermarkets) the wait has been short for the usual reactions, such as nationalism paying a trip to Brussels to dozens of people to demonstrate asking for access to parliament for the fled leaders, or have a group of European parliamentarians sign a petition in the same direction.  Of course the number of signatory MEPs is only 7 out of 751, and all of them are nationalists or communists of the unitary left.
But at least these maneuvers are achieving for the independence movement its main objective: to fill TV3 and other nationalist media with headlines that divert attention from the most relevant news of the year: the demolishing ruling of the European Court of Human Rights that denied that Spain violated the rights of the Catalan parliamentarians and ruled that the "referendum" of October 1, 2017 was a crime and that there was nothing democratic about it.

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