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Concordia Catalana Voces Layetanas
Mother language day - From apartheid to immersion Mother language day - From apartheid to immersion
21/02/2022 3585

We have all heard of apartheid.  South Africa and Namibia were subjected by a white minority to a shameful system of racial segregation that divided its citizens into two groups according to their skin color.  For many adults, this outrage seems like something from a long, long time ago, while (to give an example) we remember the Barcelona Olympics as if they had happened yesterday (at least those of us over 45 years old) and it is difficult for us to believe that the year in which apartheid ended was the same in which the Olympic flame rested in Barcelona.   But although the essence of that discrimination was racism, an aspect that no South African forgets is cultural repression.  The elitist white minority sought to impose Afrikaans as the preferred language, because the language was a key factor in the national construction of South African nationalism, and t..... Leer Más
Oscar Fernández Voces Layetanas
Conmemoración del nacimiento de Velázquez en Sevilla Conmemoración del nacimiento de Velázquez en Sevilla
08/06/2021 4566

La asociación TercioOlivares en Sevilla ha conmemorado este domingo 6 de junio de 2021, el nacimiento de un español insigne, D. Diego Rodríguez de Silva y Velázquez, que nació en la ciudad de Sevilla en 1660, hace 422 años. Pintor barroco español considerado como uno de los máximos exponentes de la pintura en España, Maestro de la pintura universal y Caballero de la Orden de Santiago.   Esta asociación, cuyos fines están orientados a rememorar la Historia de España mediante la recreación histórica de los Tercios de Infantería españoles de los ss. XVI y XVII. y divulgar la Historia de España en general y más concretamente la acontecida durante los ss. XVI y XVII, ha puesto un broche de oro en las calles del centro de la ciudad hispalense.   Esta magna asociación hace suyos valores del más alto nivel y prestigio, en los que cuenta entre sus miembros a numerosos def..... Leer Más
José A. Ruiz Noticias (Layetania)
Catalonia's triple leadership: Higher taxes, higher spending on politicians and worse government Catalonia's triple leadership: Higher taxes, higher spending on politicians and worse government
31/05/2021 2896

Rarely does a triplet like the one described, as documented and supported as the one at the head of this article, converge in an autonomous region. The largest tax burden in the developed world   Or in other words, Catalans pay more taxes than anyone else. These are the data from the latest report from the Instituto de Estudios Económicos (IEE). Especially bleak is the graph of regulatory tax pressure, which indicates that the area of ​​the world where people are paid the least is Estonia, followed by Latvia, and the area of ​​the world subject to the greatest tax burden is Catalonia, followed by Italy and Chile. To give us an idea, the tax burden in Madrid is 86% higher than that of Estonia, while the tax burden in Catalonia is 186.8% higher than that of Estonia and slightly less than double that of Madrid. In short, right now for the Catalans the definition of "..... Leer Más
José A. Ruiz Noticias (Layetania)
Why does nationalism insist on expelling the National Police of Catalonia? Why does nationalism insist on expelling the National Police of Catalonia?
28/05/2021 3124

This Thursday a massive concentration has taken place (to the extent that compliance with sanitary measures allows it) in response to the threats of the new Catalan nationalist government headed by Pere Aragonés to evict the National Police from the iconic Vía Layetana police station. This intention is an habitual claim of the nationalists, supported by the mayor of Barcelona, ​​Ada Colau, who has insisted on several occasions on this eviction, with the intention of turning the current Superior Police Headquarters into a kind of interpretation center of Francoism, period with which an attempt is made to link the police force.   Wide variety of associations   If something has distinguished this concentration from others, it's the diversity of political parties, unions and associations, large and small, that it has brought together. Police unions such as JUPOL, asso..... Leer Más
José A. Ruiz Voces Layetanas
"Retaliation to Cuixart .." or when the mainstream media do not contrast their news
23/04/2021 4520

Today I've been forwarded an excerpt from an article from a few days ago. A very harsh article referring to a devastating report on the harsh conditions of the imprisonment of the pro-independence Catalan activist Jordi Cuixart, in which the Council of Europe rules that he suffers "reprisals and intimidation", that he's locked in his cell 23 hours a day, that his situation is worsened by the pandemic, that he's a defender of human rights and that his trial was a political trial..   Obviously this article alerted me. Is Cuixart's situation really so serious? Are these the verbatim words of the European Council report?   Let's find out.   The first step is to search for the article online. Indeed, we come to the publication of La Vanguardia. What I've been sent is not a fake, it's part of a real article, although to my disa..... Leer Más
José A. Ruiz Voces Layetanas
The witch hunt begins in Catalonia The witch hunt begins in Catalonia
29/03/2021 4814

The situation in Catalonia is reaching unsustainable extremes of absurdity. It's incomprehensible that at this stage of the conflict in Catalonia an activist is interviewed on television being described as anti-fascist and, speaking of critics of the independence movement, calls to "Identify them", "keep them under control", "find where they work", "point them out" , "pressure them in their work", "make their life more uncomfortable and difficult" so that "they cannot be at peace", because "their ideas are dangerous" and "they can't be allowed to express theirselves freely" while a presenter and several talk companions nod respectfully as if they were listening to the list of human rights read by Nelson Mandela himself.   Because that's what happened on TV3 last week in the Pl..... Leer Más
The audience speaks..

Angel carmona 24/06/2023 10:51
Comenta La Noche de San Juan
Un tema muy interesante y apropiado en este momento. Gracias por compartir con nosotros
Angel carmona 04/09/2022 17:07
Comenta Templarios en España
El sonido vuestro muy bueno, el del invitado regular, el tema magnífico y de interés. Paso link a grupos de amigos, para que puedan disfrutar de vuestra emisora. Gracias por compartir
Antonio García 27/04/2022 22:27
Comenta Sindicatos por la inmersión
UGT y CCOO deben ser ilegalizados, confiscado su patrimonio y procesadas sus cúpulas. En cuanto al PSC y el PSOE, o se someten a la ley o ilegalización fulminante. Esto lo hará un partido sin complejos.
Antonio García 01/04/2022 22:56
Comenta Rendir España
Sólo decir que el comentario de J. L. Rodríguez es una rafiografía exacta, certera, breve, directa y dos veces buena.
Antonio García 22/03/2022 23:35
Comenta Embarrando que es gerundio
Un apunte que debiera ser innecesario: Lo que caracteriza a ERC no es la corrupción económica, es algo infinitamente más grave como es EL GOLPISMO y LA REBELIÓN, convertida en sedición por jueces prevaricadores.
Blabla 16/12/2021 17:24
Comenta 39 razones
Lo de Henry Parrot no fue nunca un homenaje por mucho que se quiera marear la perdiz y querer manipular. Fue una petición de beneficios penitenciarios como todos los presos tienen derecho a solicitar, a los cuales me opongo, pero ante todo debemos aceptar que la gente que está en la cárcel también tienen derechos. Seamos adultos y aceptemos que algún día los presos terroristas volverán a sus casas