Voces Layetanas - Free and independent voices

Catalonia - no country for old people

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"Catalonia will be a land for young people", possibly an inappropriate slogan in the face of a pandemic that has preyed on the elderly.         
Voces Layetanas
José A. Ruiz 01/02/2021 2880

This is one of the posters that I found this weekend of the campaign start. Usually there's always some publicists who gets carried away and crosses a line in they eagerness to attract attention, but this screw up for the Joventut Socialista de Catalunya (emerged from the PSC-C, PSC-R and FSC-PSOE formations) leads me to think that maybe they should have given the idea another spin.

Because saying that "Catalonia will be a land for young people" wouldn't be a bad slogan if it were not for the fact that it's also a statement of what the pandemic has left us. A land that is losing its elders, many deceased in residences, hospitals or at home, other sick and with sequelae.
Of course, the glorification of youth to the detriment of the elderly is a vice that is sometimes abused by a certain sector of populism that needs that adrenaline and that rebellion to thrive. Because there are ideas that, seen from the serenity and reflection that our elders show, are tempered.
In any case, what is objectionable is not the political choice, but the lack of empathy with those who gave us everything.
We're going to be well thought out and believe that this is due to the few views of a publicist who needed a bit more sensitivity, because if we were badly thought out, we would believe that Catalonia is not a country for old people.

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